Review: Half Wild (Half Bad #2)


Half Wild
By Sally Green

Source: Bought the physical copy
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, 

Goodreads Synopsis:
In a modern-day England where two warring factions of witches live amongst humans, seventeen-year-old Nathan is an abomination, the illegitimate son of the world's most powerful and violent witch. Nathan is hunted from all sides: nowhere is safe and no one can be trusted. Now, Nathan has come into his own unique magical Gift, and he's on the run--but the Hunters are close behind, and they will stop at nothing until they have captured Nathan and destroyed his father.

This book was amazing! Sally Green is a really talented author, and this book definitely did not disappoint. I liked it equally as much as I liked Half Bad, but this one had some more varied moments (there were some bits that I liked more, but some that I enjoyed a less).

The beginning of this book was slow-moving. I didn’t feel invested, because everyone was going to find Annalise - and I really dislike Annalise. I really had to persevere because I just knew that there was going to be some amazing action scenes later on in the book (and I wasn’t disappointed!).

It was action-packed and very gory, which some people might not enjoy (though I certainly did!). I really liked how fast paced most of the book was - it kept me excited, and definitely wanting to read on. The chapters were the perfect length, and everything was just long enough to keep me interested.

All of the characters felt very real and complex. Seeing more of Nathan’s darker side was something I enjoyed too. I especially liked Gabriel (but you know that from my review of Half Bad!), but all of the characters were really original, just like the whole book. I enjoyed reading about all of them (except for Annalise), and they were all really interesting.

Another thing I enjoyed was seeing development of Nathan’s relationships with his father and Gabriel. We didn’t see much of Marcus in Half Bad, but he was in Half Wild much more. He and Nathan had a really unique relationship which was refreshing to see.

Gabriel was definitely my favourite part of this book. I liked seeing more of his relationship with Nathan in this book, and if they aren’t together in Half Lost I will actually cry. This book would have been even better for me if all of the Annalise scenes were with him instead!

This book was left on such a cliffhanger! I don’t know if I can wait for next March, it just seems so long away...! Overall it was a great fast paced story, and I would recommend it to fans of Red Queen (though Red Queen is nothing compared to this) or The Mortal Instruments.

My reaction to this book:

My rating:

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